Thursday, June 24, 2010

boys boys boys.

everyone has a top 5, right?  i don't care if your married, engaged, taken or single - everyone has a mental list of celebrities they'd like to get a little naughty with... we all know it will never happen - that's why it's so fun!  my list is below, but i'll randomly be posting friends' lists so if you want in, send me yours!

this order goes like this: 3/2/1 are all tied for first with 5/4 following very, very closely behind. here goes:

5. adam brody.
ever since i first layed eyes on him during the OC... he's been on my list longest of everyone. he's so freakin' gorgeous. call me.

4. fab moretti.
  never could resist a musician.  especially one that's in a band that's actually good.

3. ryan gosling

2. joseph gordon-leavitt.

yeesh.  i'm sweating just making this post.

1. robert downey junior.
the coolest guy in the room. anywhere. anytime.

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