Sunday, January 31, 2010

la la la you sang to me.

when I was 12 years old I got my very first cd player for christmas.  i became obsessed with buying cd's. and very soon after that, something huge happened: clueless came out. i loved and still love that movie.  i could forever praise whoever styled that movie but this is about something else: the soundtrack.  as i write this, i'm listening to it and i can picture 13 year old me listening to that soundtrack on repeat in my bedroom.  the early to mid-nineties was obviously an amazing time for music and the movie soundtrack was no exception... here's some highlights:
 //kids in america - the muffs //the ghost in you - counting crows//mullet head - beastie boys//where'd you go - the mighty might bosstones //rollin' with my homies - coolio // alright - supergrass//supermodel - jill sobule

now try and tell me you can't see cher (alicia silverstone) ranting about boys in baggy pants while world party "all the young dudes" is playing, or brittany murphy tumbling down the stairs at the mighty might bosstones show, or cher and paul rudd falling in love in the car over radiohead "fake plastic trees."  i love how music can bring you right back to very specific moments. and ps - look at paul rudd now... from vanity fair:

another soundtrack I have to mention is from the movie angus.  It's certainly a less-known movie but it is nineties perfection and i suggest you get it in your netflix queue right now. before you forget.  angus gave us green day "J.A.R" and my favorite weezer "you gave your love to me softly." what more can you really ask for?

soundtracks became less important for awhile (although one of my al-time favorite songs came from meet the deedles soundtrack: rivers cuomo side project homie - "american girls.") 

but then came garden state.  people lost their minds over that film and soundtrack. which i get. it's really good. check it out here .  I'm so happy soundstracks are back.  i remember cameron crowe saying how much consideration he put into the soundtrack of elizabethtown - and it was a great soundtrack, but maybe he should have put equal consideration into making a better movie. just sayin'. here's a sampling of my recent favorites:

karen o and the kids: all is love (where the wild things are) yikes. i'm crying. please listen below. it's a beaut.
arcade fire: wake up (where the wild things are) sniffle
bright eyes: we are nowhere and it's now (knocked up)
and of course, {500} days of summer.  regina spektor, the smiths, doves, hall&oates - here just have yourself a listen.

images via google images

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