Tuesday, June 29, 2010

i want to be forever young.

guess what? we WON theme night!  did we win any matches, perhaps? perhaps not... but we are winners just the same.  no. better!  we drank sparks, sipped on 40's and made absolute fools of ourselves. everyone was kissing my belly and i even got to stay in when i got hit in the baby!  pregnant ladies got it good.  more photos later but for now, chew on this.

everyone looked amazing. but MVP has to go to mr. pat chamberlain for his delivery.  goes into bathroom, emerges minutes later wearing a waist lenth mullet, full upper body tattoos including sleeves and trailer park shorts.  amazeballs.

i decided i'm going to remain a kid forever.

Monday, June 28, 2010

keira knightley

ain't no thang.

tonight.  week 5 of dodgeball.  it's also: THEME NIGHT.  Each team chooses a theme and goes for it.  Since our original green man plan fell through due to extreme laziness, we're going with...


Friday, June 25, 2010


it's friday! hooray!  i'm slightly hungover today and craving a sleepy nap in my bed.  this weekend i plan on being very low key - reading in the park, apartment cleaning, sleeping in. 
i was extremely lucky to get passion pit tickets for saturday night.  on monday they announced via twitter that they were playing a show at royale (formerly the roxy, which is a way less stupid name) in boston on saturday.  tickets went on sale wednesday at 5 and at 5:03pm, i was the lucky owner of 2  tickets!  what's even more amazing is, for reasons unknown to me, the tickets were free! P A R T Y.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

boys boys boys.

everyone has a top 5, right?  i don't care if your married, engaged, taken or single - everyone has a mental list of celebrities they'd like to get a little naughty with... we all know it will never happen - that's why it's so fun!  my list is below, but i'll randomly be posting friends' lists so if you want in, send me yours!

this order goes like this: 3/2/1 are all tied for first with 5/4 following very, very closely behind. here goes:

5. adam brody.
ever since i first layed eyes on him during the OC... he's been on my list longest of everyone. he's so freakin' gorgeous. call me.

4. fab moretti.
  never could resist a musician.  especially one that's in a band that's actually good.

3. ryan gosling

2. joseph gordon-leavitt.

yeesh.  i'm sweating just making this post.

1. robert downey junior.
the coolest guy in the room. anywhere. anytime.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

you matter very much.

due to a scheduling conflict i'm unable to attend something very special happening in boston over the weekend.  to make up for my absence, i wanted to talk about it here.  if you haven't heard about To Write Love On Her Arms, listen up!  TWLOHA is a non-profit organization that aims to help young adults fighting depression, suicidal thoughts, and self-injury.  it is such a kick-ass organization.  before social networking became so major, TWLOHA spread the word by enlisting musicians and bands to wear their t-shirts during shows, festivals and appearances.  TWLOHA is in boston this weekend holding a conference called MOVE at zuzu! in cambridge.

i know you want to hear about the bands and see some photos... anberlin, the rocket summer, paramore, boys like girls, switchfoot, panic at the disco and so many others.

love is the movement.

what i like most about TWLOHA is that they don't try to spread a message that life is always easy.  they focus on heavy and light.  and put the ugly stuff right out in the open.  they are helping so many kids and i think that is freakin' fantastic.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fête de la Musique

my most favorite place to spend a sunny saturday is in harvard square.  this past saturday my lovely friend suggested we head to harvard square for make music 2010.  make music stems from the french festival “Fête de la Musique” which first happened 28 years ago in paris.  now, over 300 cities celebrate the beginning of summer with similar music festivals, all on the same day! 150 artists stationed all over harvard square played from 1pm-10pm. 

while i waited for my friend to arrive, bubble tea in hand, i watched a band of 14 year old little dudes playing their hearts out.  it reminded me of being their age and having monster crushes on all my older brother's cute guitar playing friends.  it was very sweet. 

we then decided bud light limes and blt's at charlies beer garden were a good way to start the day... from there we wandered all over harvard square, stopping wherever pulled us in.  we made friends, we bought yummy smelling soap, smashed soft serve in each other's faces, and cyrrene stood by as the perfect wingwoman as i awkwardly flirted with a cutie pie guitar player.  i walked away with his record and perhaps a butterfly or two in my tummy.  we ended the day with micheladas as we watched artists of all genres support each other on a truly fantastic day.  i do have some photos but i've been too busy getting my ass kicked at dodgeball to upload them yet. (team not in the face went 0-11 last night. zoinks!)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Fashion Rio 2010

girl crush friday: audrey tautou

last week on a precious, plans-free evening i settled in with a mug of tea and the most perfect movie of all time - amelie! if you haven't seen it - please see it! you will feel so good after it, the music is lovely, the characters are perfectly flawed.  and don't be an asshole and watch it dubbed in english.  the french language only makes it prettier. 

audrey tautou is a french actress.  she has said she wants to remain a french actress and not crossover to the US or ever live in la.  ah.  if only she had made that decision before starring in perhaps, one of the worst movies of all time: the davinci code.  bleck, what a piece of junk. 

she's also the face of chanel no.5.  inyaface nicole kidman!

one of my favorite bands, brand new, has a song called tautou in honor of miss audrey.