Thursday, July 22, 2010

life updates.

i pulled a bit of a disappearing act lately, huh? i've been preoccupied having a pretty kick ass time.  i just got home from a mini-road trip to DC and baltimore.  we stayed with some friends in alexandria and attended a ukrainian wedding in DC.  it was weird and so cool.  i am so all about weddings that don't follow the norms.  it seems like people think they have to follow all these rules for weddings so attending one that was so different, sort of restored my faith that weddings can be original, true, and beautiful.  the night included dueling singing priests, solo cups full of yuengling, accordian playing and dancing for what must have been 5 hours straight.  the dj wasn't playing around either... he started the night - first song - with footloose! the only thing that stayed the same was me, crying sobbing through the father/daughter dance. 
yeesh, gets me every time.
in other great news, i am moving! same neighborhood, new place.  for the first time i am getting my very own place, no roommates... just me! i will be very sad to not live with bre anymore but life is sending us in different directions so i thought, why not try this living alone thing?!  we're already planning a "final night" party which may include lighting our couches on fire and getting bonkers with our friends... or it could just as easily be the two of us making guacamole and watching the bachelorette.  perhaps both! yes, both i think.

i'm excited to decorate my tiny studio.  it has a little baby kitchen with exposed brick, a small living area, bedroom, and bathroom.  and my bathroom has a tub (i will never sit in it)! which is so great because i currently have the world's tiniest shower and now i'll be able to shave my legs without doing a standing-up split.  i have so many great ideas for decorating.  i will not ever, never, not once enter a bed, bath and beyond, or the likes.  it's the cambridge antique market for me!
plus, etsy is such a great place for finding just what you need. 
i plan on getting this for my desk:

how great is the yellow base?
and i have these for my kitchen counter:

and this is my new table! the color is called "vinatge water." so awesome.  it will look perfect with my gray couch and comfy chair! oh i'm so in love with it!

i move in about a month. which feels so soon and so scary for a number of reasons.  but i feel good about it...i think.
tonight i'm getting a hair chop, perhaps some new colors. we'll see. external makeover today.  who do you call for the makeover that happens inside?  ghostbusters?

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