Wednesday, September 15, 2010

i'm coming home.

i have neglected this blog for far, far too long.  i've been so busy but i love this blog so i'm back, full time, everyday, spewin' nonsense.  hiiiiya! 

so as i've said, i recently moved to an apartment all by myself.  i definitely miss my old roommate bre a ton, but living alone has allowed me to discover some pretty cool stuff about myself and my living area.

first off, and most important, i really like my own company! (important when living alone) i find myself doing little projects or making delicious suppers and really enjoying the process of it. and then there's the time's i just watch old south park episodes on my computer and feel kinda bored.  like this night:

next up, i triple love having people over.  i love little details like candles in the corners of the room and yummy drinks to serve and of course, theme night.  tonight i'm having friends over for drinks then we're going to the cigar bar down the street for sweetly flavored hookahs.  and tomorrow is pizza/true blood marathon night with one of my most favorite friends.  i love being fiercely addicted to something and having someone else there to equally appreciate it.  like sunday night at the vampire weekend show - it was all peaceful, music
lovin' folk.

lastly, i have found my true love in decorating my space to its full advantage while also being on a budget and having really great ideas.  for example, the trick is to be open to where you find things.  i have a thousand dollar table sitting on top of a $60 rug.  but they blend so perfectly.  i have one-of-a-kind bunting i found on etsy, a magenta side table i bought for $15 at walmart that i found through design sponge and a gorgeous shower curtain from urban. and, perhaps the oddest source was through rachel ray everyday magazine.  i anonymously begain finding this magazine in my mailbox at work... of course i scoffed "rachel ray??? blech!" but upon perusing the magazine on the beach, i found the most kickass idea for decorating my kitchen.  this weekend i'll have access to a car so once i get my materials, i'll post photos. 

annnnyways - this great love of nesting led me to sign myself right up for an interior design class.  i start next thursday! i'm nervous since i'm clueless about interior design "rules," but i'm hoping to learn a lot.  word up.

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