Tuesday, April 6, 2010

stand me up and maybe i won't be so small.

quick post today since werk is bizzy... but this is important.  i recently found myself in a spot where i felt intimidated/out of place/like i didn't "fit in." which is bullshit, because it was with a group of people i didn't even want to fit in with.  and before i go on, i realize feeling intimidated and out of place is really more about yourself than anything or anyone... but there are certain situations and people who go out of their way to intimidate you.  i won't ever understand this or them. 

when you have two choices, (because, really REALLY there are only ever two choices) between being hurtful or being welcoming, what inside of someone makes her decide the former? i'm not sure i even want to know and i certainly don't care.   i just want to say that when you're faced with this situation, choose to be kind. be kind.  people will remember you for your warmth... you'll be a bright shining star in their world instead of a gloomy, mean monster. 

be the bright shining star. i promise you won't regret it.  for all your life.

i love you.

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