Wednesday, May 26, 2010

eating is fun!

i'm not huge on cooking.  i like chopping and mixing and stirring and i l o v e eating but i've just never been someone who cooks regularly. i want to change that, i really do.  my mama has always been the bestestest cook in the world so i want her to teach me how to make yummy sauce, a few chicken dishes, thanksgiving dinner and definitely how to make pie.  i love pie.  cherry's my favorite.  i'm food babbling.

for the lost finale i wanted to make something sort of tropical to go with dinner since we were having grilled fruit marinated in rum and cinnamon with yogurt/honey/mint sauce for dessert.  i made the most delicious corn salad... it was amazeballs.  recipe is here:

1 container cherry tomatoes
1 can of corn
1 avacado
1 bermuda onion
2 whole limes
sea salt

first heat up the corn, then chill it in the fridge.  while that's happening chop up all the tomatoes and as much onion as you like.  then squeeze the juice of one lime all over the toms and onions.  sprinkle on the some salt.  Cut up your avocado.  Add the chilled corn.  Squeeze the second lime and toss everything together.  eat it with a fork or use tortilla chips. mange! 

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