Friday, May 21, 2010

dodgeball update. game face.

dodgeball update! 

new developments:

1. our games will be played on mondays at 730 at dodgeball of boston (together in motion) at 1 broadway in arlington.  come watch!  first game is this monday, the 24th!

2. the league is sponsored by the joshua tree so we'll be there hanging out on mondays nights after the games - there's cheap pitchers and wings so even if you hate us, there's still reasons to show up ;)

3. our team color is.........................MAROON! we easily got the best color and i picked out the rest of our uniforms... see photos below. 

4. i am extremely happy to annouce our team name: "Not in the Face." how perfect! (name credit goes to chris maki. let's hope he's as good at dodging balls as he is at thinking of double entendres!)
all players must play in socks only, no shoes!  

i'll be wearing these shorts... the boys are arguing with me but i'll get them in tiny gold shorts if it's the last thing i do!

some people are wearing these... but i'm thinking braided pigtails for me!

 (images via american apparel website)

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