Wednesday, January 12, 2011

cuz it's cold outside.

i'm trying some new things with the layout of the blog.  my smartest blog friend jenn of looknook is helping me and being super patient with all my questions.  i always thought i liked how bare bones the blog looked, with the focus just on the posts, but i want to pretty it up a little.  just like my hair color, i'm sure i'll change it again and again and again. 

this is mostly a random thoughts post about what i've been thinking, doing, listening to, eating, seeing lately. 

the other day, i was talking about guilty pleasures. one of mine is the bachelor.  this season is especially sad and lonely.  there's a vampire model, a "man-scaper," a woman who has tried to get on the show for 8 years, and a very misguided bachelor. can't.look.away.

look at those dead eyes.  eek.

song of the moment: i know you've heard it too. crystal castles remix of "not in love" with robert smith.  i just love it so much.  listen here. 

excited for: the start of parks and rec.  this is a bold statement... but along with community, it's the funniest sitcom on tv right now.  said it.

terrified by: the flooding in australia.  tsunamis, snakes everywhere, loss of life.  it's easy to feel very disconnected from things happening so far away but i pray for an end to the flooding and some relief for them.  further terrified by: the situation in tucson.  we have to get it together.  it's easy to fight hate with more hate but i can't help thinking that's not the answer. what is the answer though?

unrelated but related to my thoughts photo: my first instinct is to love this. and i do. but it seems counter-productive. yeah?

looking forward to: scorpion bowls with my friends.  no need for further detail there.
i miss brooke and our weird knack for buying the same clothes and jewelry even when we weren't together.  and wagamama.  and border cafe. and aa.  time for a visit.

reading: the strain by chuck hogan and guillermo del toro.  end of the world, vampire type stuff.  not the best writing ever but really entertaining. i'm so confused if he's turning this into a film.  i think it would be pretty awesome.

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