Thursday, February 24, 2011

make my day.

today i wore my glasses to work and someone told me i look like nana mouskouri.  while i'm not sure it's true, what an absolutely lovely compliment.  what do you think?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

guest blogger! cyrrene speaks.

remember my post about tv crushes? well my friend cyrrene took the assignment seriously and sent over her list of potential tv boyfriends.  her list rules, so i'm posting it below as my guest blogger for the day.  tonight we'll discuss further over habanero margaritas and tacos at la verdad.  yum for us.

Ooo! I want to play this.
My number one always and forever is also on your list:
1)Seth Cohen from the OC- perfect combination and dorky and cool. I would like to be just like him.
2)Phil Dunphy from Modern Family- I have to steal this one too. He is how I imagine Seth will be when he grows up (minus the cool music taste). He’s just so dorky and clumsy, but oh so lovable!
3)Peter Bishop from Fringe- He is the kind of intellectual man I like: genius and very practical but always open-minded. I'm not going to believe it until I see it, but if I do see it I won't be stubborn about changing my mind. I think it also has to do with my teenage angsty crush on Pacey from Dawson's Creek, also played by Joshua Jackson.
4)Troy from Community- Loves to laugh and joke around and occasionally act like he's 6 and make forts. Super cool.
5)John Dorian from Scrubs- Also got the dorky cute thing going for him (I think I have a trend going), really likes to live in his head but also lives for his friends, and a hopeless romantic at heart, even though he doesn't like to admit it.
6)Rupert Giles from Buffy- Okay, so there's an age gap, but he loves books, is wonderfully sarcastic in that British way I grew up with, and he has a secret badass side. Accent doesn't hurt either.
7)Neal Caffrey from White Collar- His past record isn't exactly clean, but he's doing good things now! His style is impeccable, as are his manners, his trickery could come in handy when planning sweet dates for me, and he seems to be a traditionalist when it comes to how he treats his ladies. Plus, if I dated him I would get to be friends with Mozzie!
8)(Kind of a cheat) Stephen Colbert from The Colbert Report- Yes, that's really his name, but we all know he's playing a character, albeit maybe a highly exaggerated version of himself. His sense of humor is perfect so I'd laugh a lot, I could talk with him all day about politics without wanting to cut my own hand off, and... he looks good in a tux.
9)(My true bad boy choice) Eric Northman from True Blood- Let's get down to it first: he is super hot and he always has sweet sex scenes. He's powerful with a great history and really, I think he sometimes has good intentions at heart; he's just also a vampire. I mean, how cute was he with Godric?
10)(My if I could date a gay guy choice) Kurt from Glee- Great fashion, great voice, great sarcasm. What more could you want?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

my favorite.

"if you do what you've always done, you get what you've always got."

Monday, February 21, 2011

weekend update.

this weekend i was lucky enough to spend all my time with one of my most favorite friends.  we went to dinner, we went to drinks, we saw interpol, we birthday partied, we got lost, we talked about serious stuff, we got drinks spilled on us, and we laughed like kids.  important things learned this weekend:

if you're near inman, have dinner at lord hobo.  it's good, real good.  get the fries, skip the curry. go to the kendall cinema after and see a movie you've never heard of.

get the london 77 to drink:
bulldog gin
grapefruit juice
st. germain
it is delicious.

Friday, February 18, 2011

girl crush friday: boys day!

today i'm straying from the typical girl crush and choosing dudes for my crush of the week! they're brothers, they're in a band, and they had the best grammy's performance of the night:

the avett brothers.

i felt a musical hole in my life.  like nothing was answering the need i had for something new and great and real.  until my boyfriend showed me their npr tiny desk concert.  i love them.  my favorite song is called the ballad of love and hate.  it's beautiful and silly and i may have listened to it 5 times this morning while i was getting ready for work.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

5 things!

time for a "5 things i'm looking forward to" post...

1.) 5pm today.  ames.  wine.

2.) bowling with my dodgeball team.  we're multi-talented.

3.) bright eyes at radio city.

4.) the adjustment bureau.  i love matt damon.  i love when he says "i choose her."  i gotta stop watching movies like this!

5.) doing this to my hair:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

do your best.

lately i've been feeling the need to push myself a little harder.  mostly small things like starting a book i've been putting off or running an extra mile or drinking more water.  in that spirit, i signed up for this: the warrior dash! in june.  it's a 3 mile course with obstacles; and here they are:

1) hell's hill: spring to the summit
2) arachnaphobia: ropes course
3) black forest
4) blackout: dive into darkness (this scares me?!!)
5) knee high hell: tires
6) warrior wall
7) junkyard jump
8) satan's slope: skid down muddy slope (best!)
9) muddy mayhem: scramble beneath barbed wire
10) warrior roast: leap over fire

there are 13 waves of up to 600 people each.  after the race there's beers and turkey legs and viking hats. i'm doing it alone, which isn't ideal but i'm so excited to get all my friends and family together to come watch me do this.  june 25. 11:00am.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

spring come soon.

some days are just doomed from the start.  i woke up in a funk today with lots on my mind and even more to do.  i think some days you just have to give in to their crappiness and look forward to tomorrow.  it's gonna warm up and i plan on taking myself on a teeny tiny shopping trip for some spring things.  see, tomorrow's already looking up.  tonight i'm having dinner with my mama.  she's guaranteed to brighten things up too.
i hope your day is fantastic.  xo

Monday, February 14, 2011

nuthin but love for team 3

i had the absolute best weekend.  i spent most of it in vermont then returned to ma on sunday to spend time with my brother and some friends.  the plan was to watch the bruins/celtics games.  i missed those games but showed up in time for vodka mountain dews (!!!) and nerf gun wars.  what's nerf gun wars?  3 teams of 4.  6 nerf guns.  2 teams play at once.  one team upstairs guarding their flag, one team downstairs guarding theirs.  you get hit, you tag back in, and can get hit 3 times before you're 'dead.' we played for 2 hours.  people were sweating, falling down the stairs, friends were killing friends, brothers were tackling brothers. it was kind of awesome.  below and above were a few of the guns we had.  the machine gun was the best.  obviously.

also, happy valentine's day! 

Friday, February 11, 2011

for you.

this valentine's day i have no secret hopes or wishes.  i'm not looking at my phone for a cute text, i'm not checking my doorstep for roses or hoping for a candlelit dinner.  nope. 
this year all i want is to be wherever you are.  with my head on your chest next to your big beatin' heart.  i want to sip wine and watch twin peaks in our christmas pajamas.  i want to wake up and see your eyes in the morning.  i want to annoy you with my cackling morning person laughter.  i want to listen to the songs that are ours only.  i want to rest my head on  your shoulder while you show me youtube videos.  i want to sit in the living room with your roommates and laugh at all the dumb stuff you'll all say. 
fancy dinner, flowers, and presents are all just bonuses.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

tv crush list

remember that fantastic romantic comedy post last week in honor of valentine's day?  well here's another one and today it's all about tv.  over at EW, they posted a question for readers that i would like to pose to you: what fictional television character would you date?  *not the actor - the character.  few guidelines: no reality tv stars or hosts (sorry tom colicchio).  EW made the rule it's got to be current tv shows only, but i'm saying it can be any tv character from whenever.  this is fun, think of some good ones. i know my friend jenn will say ben (adam scott) from parks and rec.

a few of mine:
the office: jim halpert

the OC: seth cohen

true blood: alcide

lost: daniel farraday

modern family: phil dunphy (clive bixby returns tonight!)

i'm not that psyched with my list but maybe it's just because my real life boyfriend is way more awesome than all these put together.  aww. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

just like gold.

when i was in grade school my mom made my lunch.  on special days, she'd slip a can of soda in my lunch bag.  i can freely admit, i had an obsession with mountain dew and would be psyched on those days. so when i heard about the grown up version of those treats my mom used to put in my lunch bag, i was instantly smitten.  francis ford coppola has his own line of wines and also produces this gem called the sofia mini: pink champagne in a can with a tiny pink straw.  i want this. i really love it. i hope i can find it somewhere. it's named after his daughter, sofia coppola, who we all know has directed some pretty great movies herself. 

the spring's gonna be here before you even know it.  and i'll be sippin champagne in the park. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

dodgeball: round 2.

in a few short hours i make my triumphant return to the dodgeball court.  this time it will be as part of the ever-terrifying baby blue t-shirted team.  what's our team name?  "the adodgineaball snowmen"  you like?  rules are the same as last time.  we'll play ten games each night, theme night will be week 5, playoffs will be week 7, drinks are always at joshua tree in davis afterwards.   i missed our first week but apparently my team went 7-3... which is amazing considering last season we had a night we went 0-10.  i heard the team to beat this year is the pink team.  like they do tricks and everything.  my approach is more grassroots.  throw the ball when i can and close my eyes and pray when it's coming at me fast.
ima take photos tonight and post em up so you can see how great it is. 

*********UPDATE: Team Adodgeinaball Snowmen went 8-2 last night.  we were kind of awesome.  winning feels good, real good.***********

Friday, February 4, 2011

the first snow of the year.

For the first snow of the year
Maybe we will stand together
On some empty washed-out corner
In your parents neighborhood

Oh these streets you know by heart
Let us walk and let us listen
Joni Mitchell wishes for a river
I just wish you'd point your mittened hand

Find the moon and the stars light
Cracked white keys against the black keys of the sky
So the sky is this piano and the music is hushed and still
And perfect for the first snow of the year

Sharon there is something nice
The simple glow of a living room
The drunken wash of mantle lights
Like hazy and slow on hardwood floors
Where jeans get warm against your legs
Sweaters get warm and zippers get hot

And my brother and the girl he loves
Are lying soft on the couch and you can sort of hear them say
You are my life, You are my size
You are my friend, my best friend
And the window pane is polar stains
And networked map that leads a path
Through arctic veins
to the first snow of the year

And the air it smells like winter
And these clouds stood stacked like slate
and Yellow taxis find the street
Bicycles whir and buses squeak
We lean against a mailbox and wait
for everything

My buddy calls it "Tetris brain"
When you play that game all day
And at night when you're going to sleep
You close your eyes and see the pieces moving

I swear to god that's what it was
Those seven weeks we talked so much
I would feel my cell phone vibrate
In my pocket even though it was off

So I held you like a flag, I did!
For this idea of ourselves together
And waved it wild about my head
The autumn green to orange to red
to white

this is my favorite song right now.  this is a selfish post because i'm quite sure it won't mean anything to anyone but me.  so, i'm sorry.  but dems the breaks.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

girl crush friday: oops it's thursday


this one's personal.  these are my best friends.  i met courtney (the bride in the fist one) our freshman year.  i was walking down the hall and she was blasting nelly in her room.  i said, oh hi.  i like this song. i can even remember what she was wearing. then she invited me to go shopping for halloween costumes. a best friendship was born. 

3 years go by and it's the end of junior year.  we needed a foursome to live with and got "stuck" with 4 girls we didn't know. i remember walking into our house and wondering if they'd be friendly and cool or if it would be a rough year.  i think it took, maybe 3 weeks, for the 8 of us to be walking around doing naked towel drops (ok that was just me), sitting 8 on a futon watching the apprentice or average joe, laughing about the fabio twist, throwing the dumbest most awesome theme parties every weekend and forming the closest friendships anyone could ask for. since then, some friendships have changed or faded but the 5 of us remain so bonded.  this weekend we're all going out to dinner.  the 5 of us and our husband/boyfriends/dates.  it's gonna rule.  i love you ames, courtney, ken and stacey!