Wednesday, February 23, 2011

guest blogger! cyrrene speaks.

remember my post about tv crushes? well my friend cyrrene took the assignment seriously and sent over her list of potential tv boyfriends.  her list rules, so i'm posting it below as my guest blogger for the day.  tonight we'll discuss further over habanero margaritas and tacos at la verdad.  yum for us.

Ooo! I want to play this.
My number one always and forever is also on your list:
1)Seth Cohen from the OC- perfect combination and dorky and cool. I would like to be just like him.
2)Phil Dunphy from Modern Family- I have to steal this one too. He is how I imagine Seth will be when he grows up (minus the cool music taste). He’s just so dorky and clumsy, but oh so lovable!
3)Peter Bishop from Fringe- He is the kind of intellectual man I like: genius and very practical but always open-minded. I'm not going to believe it until I see it, but if I do see it I won't be stubborn about changing my mind. I think it also has to do with my teenage angsty crush on Pacey from Dawson's Creek, also played by Joshua Jackson.
4)Troy from Community- Loves to laugh and joke around and occasionally act like he's 6 and make forts. Super cool.
5)John Dorian from Scrubs- Also got the dorky cute thing going for him (I think I have a trend going), really likes to live in his head but also lives for his friends, and a hopeless romantic at heart, even though he doesn't like to admit it.
6)Rupert Giles from Buffy- Okay, so there's an age gap, but he loves books, is wonderfully sarcastic in that British way I grew up with, and he has a secret badass side. Accent doesn't hurt either.
7)Neal Caffrey from White Collar- His past record isn't exactly clean, but he's doing good things now! His style is impeccable, as are his manners, his trickery could come in handy when planning sweet dates for me, and he seems to be a traditionalist when it comes to how he treats his ladies. Plus, if I dated him I would get to be friends with Mozzie!
8)(Kind of a cheat) Stephen Colbert from The Colbert Report- Yes, that's really his name, but we all know he's playing a character, albeit maybe a highly exaggerated version of himself. His sense of humor is perfect so I'd laugh a lot, I could talk with him all day about politics without wanting to cut my own hand off, and... he looks good in a tux.
9)(My true bad boy choice) Eric Northman from True Blood- Let's get down to it first: he is super hot and he always has sweet sex scenes. He's powerful with a great history and really, I think he sometimes has good intentions at heart; he's just also a vampire. I mean, how cute was he with Godric?
10)(My if I could date a gay guy choice) Kurt from Glee- Great fashion, great voice, great sarcasm. What more could you want?

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