Thursday, May 10, 2012

suitcase livin.

i'm currently going on my THIRD month of living out of a single suitcase.  it's hard! i would make a shitty hobo.  since i have no clothes or craft supplies, i've used my excess of free time to read.  here's a few of the titles i've read:

11/22/63: Stephen King 
Shadow of the Wind: Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Is Everyone Hanging out Without Me? (And Other Concerns): Mindy Kaling
Postcard Killers(!!!): James Patterson 

we've also seen a bunch of movies:

Avengers - great!
The Raven- terrible.
The 5 Year Engagement - gooood. and a little sad.
Friends with Kids - booooring.
Cabin in The Woods - so fantastic.
Lockout - worst movie of the year.  primed for 'How Did This Get Made?'
Hunger Games - katniss!
21 Jump Street - oh so good.
Goon - fell asleep, but z dug it.
Project X - awful.
Wanderlust - good at times (Paul Rudd mirror scenes), dumb at others (Jennifer Aniston)

Anyways, thats a teeny update on me.  I've promised myself to get back on the creative train so i should be back to updating with some cool shhhtuff soon.  Also, i'm dieting and i lost 7 pounds! kapow. 

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