Monday, March 28, 2011

sneak peek.

the other day, as i was dropping some things off in the mail room, i noticed some outgoing postcards.  curiosity got the better of me, so i peeked.  postcards are such funny things... your words and feelings are right out there for any somebody to see (like me!)  they said things like:

"hi chris, dad here.  today we saw the north end and the USS constitution.  we also went to the aquarium.  next time i hope we can see the sharks together.  i love you.  dad."
"hi lissie.  it's actually snowing here in boston!  we are having a great time despite the cold.  did you know your cousin abigail is starring in the theatre production of mary poppins?  we missed it in boston by 3 days!  we miss you.  love auntie jane and steve."

little tidbits of silly information that give you the tiniest shred of a view into other people's lives. 

once again, i am a lover of all things romantic so while at the bookstore i picked up a book called other people's love letters: 150 letters you were never meant to see.  it's a collection of love letters found: some are the sweetest things you'll ever read, others are tragic, some just sad, and still others naughty and cute.  i'm posting some for you to see.  do you keep your old love letters?

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