Tuesday, April 5, 2011

tough love?

this past sunday, on my drive home from vermont, i decided i'd go straight over to my aunt and uncle's house in marshfield.  i knew there was dinner and an intense scrabble game happening, so i thought i'd join. it was a really good afternoon; i didn't win scrabble, i ate too much, and hadn't showered but it felt good to see family.

after dinner and the game, we congregated in the living room for cupcakes.  my uncle asked about my job, wondering why, after 3 years, had i not moved on... my face got red, i had no answer for him.  all i could think about was how embarrassed i felt and how my newly graduated cousin was probably going to be making more at her finance job. he was right. i wasn't mad or hurt i just felt tired and beat down.  it got me thinking about why my priorities are different from most people, why money isn't my biggest motivator, and most importantly, what would make me truly happy (career wise)?

it's only been two days since my conversation with my uncle so i'm still not a high powered business woman or an accomplished author but i'm hoping to have a better answer for him before our next scrabble game.

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