Wednesday, April 6, 2011

stuff you SHOULD know.

anyone who knows me, knows i can be a worrier.  i always say that i wish i could take a vacation from my brain. as a tactic to use my brain more productively, i've started a new routine...
 i have a 35 minute train ride twice a day, plus frequent trips up to vermont and while i love music sometimes i felt like i wanted something richer.  i've always liked this american life, wait wait don't tell me, and car talk on npr.  i started listening to those on my long rides; then i moved onto the ricky gervais show, which had me giggling for 52 minute intervals and now i've become obsessed with a podcast called "stuff you should know." each morning i wake up, get in the shower, and turn on a podcast.  they are quick (usually 20-30 minute) podcasts on "stuff" you never knew you wanted to know.  it's great because each day, almost without even realizing, i'm absorbing new info.  here's a few i've listened to recently:

-how a ponzi scheme works
-why do some people believe the moon landings were a hoax?
-is the world going to end in 2012 (mayan calendar info)
-do zombies really exist?  (my love and i have very different opinions on this one)
-taste and how it works
-why can't we find amelia earhart?
-why does scooby doo stand the test of time? !!!
-how does the mafia work?
-are stupid people happier?

are you intrigued?!  if so, download over 200 free podcasts on itunes or visit the how stuff works/stuff you should know website here.

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