Wednesday, March 23, 2011

you're looking at me like i'm something you want.

ever since i was in middle school, i've had a fascination with museums.  when i was tiny, it was the children's museum and the science museum, then in high school i would get dropped off at the braintree train station and head to the museum of fine arts where i always gravitated toward their contemporary art section.  since living in boston, i've gotten to all the museums here. my favorite of course is the MoCA in the berkshires but since it takes 3 hours to get there, i make it a point to get to every exhibit the ICA (institute of contemporary art) shows.  my most favorite exhibit i've seen there yet was the sculptures of anish kapoor.  kapoor is an indian-born, british sculptor whose work you will most certainly recognize... don't believe me?  look:

this sculpture is located in chicago... in millenium park and is called cloud gate.  i think we've all either taken our photo in this sculpture or know plenty of people who have.  you might also recognize this:

sky mirror, rockefeller center, ny.

i love how he works so large scale and how many of his sculptures trick your eye.  here's a look at some of my favorite pieces as well as photos of the install.  lastly, you'll see a video of the ICA crew installing anish's "s-curve."  you will also see anish in the video.  pretty cool stuff!

 above is my absolute favorite.  the gray piece sloooowly moved back and forth over the red sphere.

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