Sunday, August 14, 2011

Motivational Sunday

The Importance of Introspective Optimism.

"Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace." 

I have always found eternally optimistic people kind of annoying most of my life. They always seemed to come off as disingenuous and phony, and I wondered why they were so afraid to face the reality of a horrible situation. But as I've gotten older, developing an unwavering sense of optimism in my mind has helped me through so many bad situations. Perhaps it is my brain going into 'survival mode', but consciously changing my thoughts and attitude about my life, and about bad situations, completely changes the outcome. 

The pessimist will say "It's just in your head. Your situation is the same, and it still sucks even if you try to sugar coat it.", and to that I respond isn't everything just 'in your head'? Isn't every thought, emotion, and experience really just how your brain chooses to experience it.

For example: On Friday, I was driving home from work in my good ol' X-Terra ( she's very dependable), when the combination of a neglected radiator, oppressive heat, and terrible traffic let to my engine temp being consistently high all the way home. Before I could go home, I had to stop at doggy day care, and pick up my puppy, and just as I rolled in to the parking lot, my car locked up, shut down, and started smoking under the hood. "Oh shit" is right. Oh, and my iphone had also died when I was at work. Normally, in the past, a situation like this would have sent me over edge... crying, cursing, all the "woe is me" dialogue you can come up with. But I decided that this situation was not as bad as it seemed. All I focused on was how great it was that this didn't happen on the interstate during rush hour. When I went in to get Henry( my poodle), they were very helpful, offering up their phone, researching tow trucks for me, etc. I was fortunate that my mom was available to pick me up, and the positive energy continued when we were able to contact a tow truck driver who was a friend of the family to pick us up, and fix my car, all on discount. Was this situation crappy? Yes. I gave myself a second to acknowledge it, made the decision to keep it positive, and everything turned out way better than expected, and I truly believe it's because I maintained positive thoughts and energy the entire time,  and was continually grateful for all the people who came together to help me, that everything turned out okay. 

This theory that thoughts hold power is not a new idea. If you want to know more about the scientific ideas behind it, you could do some research on quantum physics. seriously. Also, read The Secret.

This book, as frou-frou and new age as it can be sometimes, helps you understand how you can use this theory, and apply it to your everyday life.

The Buddha was also a teacher who understood the power of thoughts, and that your introspective and internal happenings impacted your outward life in every way possible.

Maintaing a positive outlook, showing kindness, and being grateful for what you already have are the key to achieving all you want in life, which sometimes isn't what always what you expected. 

I'm enjoying the learning process.

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