Tuesday, October 4, 2011

35 years strong

My parents 35th anniversary is coming up this weekend.  And while I won’t be home to celebrate it with them I will be sending a gift to make them feel very special on such an incredible milestone.  They are the silliest, happiest couple you will ever meet. Dave and I are very lucky to have an example of what true love and support looks like. 

Sometimes (like right now) I get teary thinking about what my parents have given us and given up for us.  We never had tons of money but I think back to all of our family vacations, especially to Disney World, and get choked up knowing now what vacations cost and how they managed to take us on one every year. Don’t get me wrong – we have our issues – ganging up on mama Jude or telling our Dad his weather and traffic updates aren’t helping us get anywhere faster or cooler but my family rules and I will kick your butt if you mess with them.  

So, now the real question: what will I send Jude and Deke for their 35th anniversary?  Well, duh, a party in a box!  I’m taking what I do best (making stuff!) and turning it into a traveling party.  Think: ruffled crepe paper tassels, a homemade heart shaped piñata, confetti 3’s, 5’s, and hearts, champagne flutes, heart shaped cookies.  I want them to feel special and loved.  I will take some photos of the finished product.

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