Tuesday, February 21, 2012

four more days. mixed feelings.

I woke up this morning and though "whoa. We have 4 days left in vermont.  This is super duper weird.” In many ways, I feel like I just got here but in so, so many other ways I feel like I’ve lived a lifetime in tiny Montpelier, vt.  While I am wholeheartedly excited for our new move, there are things I will miss very much. 

1.       Our first place together.  There were some tough moments in our teeny one room studio apartment but I will forever cherish our first home and I know I’ll miss it.

2.       My coworkers.  They took me in like a surrogate family.  Nuff said.

(co-workers at dragon boat, my first month of work)

3.       It’s pretty.  The mountains, the snow, the swimming holes.  It’s simply beautiful looking out my window and seeing it all. 

4.       Our little town.  At times, Montpelier frustratedme.  The simple fact I couldn’t walk down the street without knowing almost every person I passed was both annoying yet also comforting.  Our favorite bars, bartenders, movie theatres and vintage shops will be hard to leave.

(kevin and all the other dudes at three penny)

5.       My friend(s).  For awhile I hung with Zach’s friends.  Then I met Kelsey! We are different in so many ways but she has been my closest friend here or anywhere over the past 9 months.  I will miss our slaughter-rita nights and girl talks. I wish I could pack her up and bring her!

(robot kelsey)

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