Thursday, May 27, 2010

get your sexy on.

remember this post? welp, it's time again to head to the paradise and squirm my way right up to the front... and see greg laswell all up close and handsome.  he is so dreamy.  last time i saw him, it was just him, his guitar and a piano.  this time, he'll have a full band there with him - which i think will lift the mood a bit. 
he just released a new album that's a little less...morose than in the past.  of the new album called take a bow, laswell says "Perhaps the biggest difference with this album is that I'm not miserable." ha! i love it.  i can't wait to see him. i can't wait to have drinks with one of my favorite people ever first.  i can't wait to have tomorrow off.  it's all good my friends.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

eating is fun!

i'm not huge on cooking.  i like chopping and mixing and stirring and i l o v e eating but i've just never been someone who cooks regularly. i want to change that, i really do.  my mama has always been the bestestest cook in the world so i want her to teach me how to make yummy sauce, a few chicken dishes, thanksgiving dinner and definitely how to make pie.  i love pie.  cherry's my favorite.  i'm food babbling.

for the lost finale i wanted to make something sort of tropical to go with dinner since we were having grilled fruit marinated in rum and cinnamon with yogurt/honey/mint sauce for dessert.  i made the most delicious corn salad... it was amazeballs.  recipe is here:

1 container cherry tomatoes
1 can of corn
1 avacado
1 bermuda onion
2 whole limes
sea salt

first heat up the corn, then chill it in the fridge.  while that's happening chop up all the tomatoes and as much onion as you like.  then squeeze the juice of one lime all over the toms and onions.  sprinkle on the some salt.  Cut up your avocado.  Add the chilled corn.  Squeeze the second lime and toss everything together.  eat it with a fork or use tortilla chips. mange! 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

flying v.

let me set the scene of last night: the team arrived (typically strolling in at the last minute), we changed into our gear, took cheesy photos, everyone made me wear a headband, and we pranced out to the court to have a few practice throws.  about then, the terror set in for me.  there were 8 teams with about 8-10 people per team.  one team in particular (the black shirt team of course) seemed especially foreboding and also extremely douchey.  there's even a douchebag rule created especially for teams like them.  we were team 6 so as we watched the first few matches, it became clear that the black team was the best and scariest.  the girls on their team were decent and the dudes were huge and threw harder than i was expecting. 

our first few matches were ruffff!  we lost. badly.  there was a lot of screaming and sweating.  but as the night wore on, we got better with each throw, block and catch.  and before i knew it, it was our turn to face the black team.  it's all a blur now of chris dodging, trish diving, pat ducking, ed dipping, and cyrrene dodging but in the end... team NOT IN THE FACE (us!) was victorious!  i may have celebrated a little too hard, but i felt like a proud mama. 
we beat the bullies.  it was our very own mighty ducks.

no matter what happens over the course of the season: we are winners.

Monday, May 24, 2010


we're hoping for low casualties, high amount of wins.  i just hope i don't get pummeled in the face in the first round. update tomorrow.  if there are injuries when there are injuries, i will post all the gory photos. 
also, the lost finale was dumb. i had lost dreams.

Friday, May 21, 2010

i can laugh it in the face.

it's this kind of a day!  have the best time ever always!

dodgeball update. game face.

dodgeball update! 

new developments:

1. our games will be played on mondays at 730 at dodgeball of boston (together in motion) at 1 broadway in arlington.  come watch!  first game is this monday, the 24th!

2. the league is sponsored by the joshua tree so we'll be there hanging out on mondays nights after the games - there's cheap pitchers and wings so even if you hate us, there's still reasons to show up ;)

3. our team color is.........................MAROON! we easily got the best color and i picked out the rest of our uniforms... see photos below. 

4. i am extremely happy to annouce our team name: "Not in the Face." how perfect! (name credit goes to chris maki. let's hope he's as good at dodging balls as he is at thinking of double entendres!)
all players must play in socks only, no shoes!  

i'll be wearing these shorts... the boys are arguing with me but i'll get them in tiny gold shorts if it's the last thing i do!

some people are wearing these... but i'm thinking braided pigtails for me!

 (images via american apparel website)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

someone blows their nose and you want to keep it.

i'm constantly searching for new ideas, funny little blogs, easy, pretty art projects... i'm absolutely obsessed with this blog: it's called color me katie.  this adorable girl in brooklyn uses simple, bright paper in the most magical ways.  she's also part of a group called improv everywhere.  she and a bunch of others set up these fantastical little events and the magic is in the reactions of the unsuspecting people who just happened to be in the right place at the right time!  there's a bunch of videos on her blog but i'm posting the following because it's ghostbusters themed and i luuuuuuurve the ghostbusters movies. in a major way.  here, have a laugh. because, laughing feels good.

(it's not letting me get the html so just click the link for youtube)

Monday, May 17, 2010

just get on the train and leave. today.

so as i said last week, i spent the day sunday with my mom, dad and brother dave.  we met at the ica, then went to brunch at barlow (i had the most delicious huevos rancheros ever...EVER) and got yummy bloody mary's, mimosas, and baileys drenched coffees.  we visited an open house at the most beautiful loft in the seaport district and then traveled back in time to lucky's where we encountered lots of vinyl seating, fake fireplaces and painfully slow-talking bartenders.  then the day came to a close... dave had to get on the road to brooklyn and our parents had an hour drive home. 

i went to my apartment, grabbed a blanket, a book and an orange and spread out in the park for a few hours.  while i was there i was thinking about the day, then i thought about my tiny little family and how we support each other, have mindless discussions about ricky gervais' best friend, bicker about dumb things like the special effects on lost, and giggle at all the same stuff.  right in the park i burst into tears, wishing to go back to that time when all you had was your family - you hang out together all the time, no one ever has to leave to hang out with someone better because you don't even know there's someone better, you have silly vacations in disneyworld and you have no idea what it feels like to have worries, or sadness, or responsibilities or broken hearts.

Friday, May 14, 2010

laugh now, but one day we'll be in charge.

banksy is a british graffiti/stencil street artist.  he's super famous but his identity is unknown.  there's a new documentary exit through the gift shop out now all about banksy and shepard fairey.  which is probably why it's more than just a coincidence he hit boston just a couple days ago.  last night after work, i went on a hunt for his work.  oh, and i found it!  i took a few photos, there were about 7-10 people there taking photos as well.

here are some other examples of banksy's work from his website.