Tuesday, November 2, 2010

zombies are real!

so apparently it's hip to say things like "i don't watch tv" or even better "i don't own a tv." sure, fine.  i get it. you're too busy reading bukowski and climbing rocks.  i, on the other hand, certainly watch tv.  i enjoy literature and outdoor activity as much as the next girl, but sometimes i want some pizza, a beer, and to watch liz lemon talk about her mustache. 

on that note, tv watchers, please tell me you're watching AMC's 'the walking dead.'  are you?  it premiered on AMC on halloween night; based on a series of graphic novels, the walking dead is about waking up in a zombie inhabited world and one guy's search for survivors. 

the lead is played by andrew lincoln.  know what else lincoln was in?!  he was the sweet guy in (my favorite holiday movie) love actually who is in love with keira knightly's character. 

while 'the walking dead' isn't breaking any new zombie ground: there's the 28 days later-esque hospital awakening scene, the slow-moving vacant zombies, the unexplainable bad choices, the lighter moments sprinkled in to give a break from all the gore and blood.  but 'the walking dead' opened with the main character blowing the head off of a little girl zombie.  the camera didn't cut away.  it was surprising and gory. there were some other visually stunning moments -  the moment rick grimes rides toward atlanta on his horse - highway stopped dead with empty cars trying to escape on one side, and the lone man and horse on the other side. 
doesn't he know zombie rules?  never enter a city.  

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