Monday, March 8, 2010

and it'll take a flight to figure out where i'm gonna finally land.

last week my lovely, talented, radical friend jillian invited me along with her to photograph a show at the red room at berklee's cafe 939.  we began the evening with margaritas and guacamole then headed in.  who was jilly photographing? singer/songwriter greg laswell.  he was playing an acoustic show without his band.  we wiggled our way right up front so jillian could get some good shots and so i could have a better look at mr. laswell's tight jeans and man boots. yipes. he's a hottie. a married hottie.   

moving on, the show was fantastic.  i tend to like shows that have me dancing, sweating and getting generally silly but this was different.  it was quiet and lovely.  greg switched between guitar and piano, talked a bit, and even covered cyndi lauper "girls just wanna have fun." i was absolutely converted to a greg laswell fan. i even follow him on twitter... and that's a big deal because i usually only follow friends...... and conan. here's a kickass sampling of jillian's photos... for more head over to jillian's blog here. keep reading below...

as i said, he talked a bit in between songs.  at one point, he commented on the (insane) number of people recording the show through their iphones/cameras/flips.  it was a simple observation and not meant with malice. but he went on to comment that all these people recording his performance are watching him through a 1 inch screen. if only they'd put down those dumb cameras and look up - they'd see the life sized man standing right in front.  what a true statement. 
 put your cameras down, stop twitpic'ing, don't bother checking in on four square.
enjoy the moment.
make eye contact.
let the music into your ears and your eyes and your heart.
the experience is worth more than photos of the experience. 
get it together. you won't ever get this moment back. no matter how many photos you take.
be present.

below is a video from the show we were at (i guess it's a good thing someone was recording!!!!).   it is called: the one i love.

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