Wednesday, March 24, 2010

home is wherever i'm with you

i've never been the type of girl to dream about a wedding. i've attended loads of great weddings and been very happy for the couples.  but if i ever meet you and we decide to get married, i'll skip the centerpieces, bachelorette parties, seating charts and cake in exchange for something a little more me.  like my sweet family of four, lots of hugs and private moments, and music.  and i would most certainly want you to sing this song in my ear.

it's edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros. and i am in love with the band. i love their look, i love their style. if i could be in any band right now, it would be this one.

Alabama Arkansas
I do Love my Ma and Pa
But not as much as I do Love you

Holy Moly Me oh My
you're the apple of my eye
girl aint never loved one like you

Man o Man your my best friend
I scream it to the nothingness
that we got everything we need
Hot and Heavy pumpkin pie
Chocolate candy Jesus Christ
Aint nothin please me more than you

Home, Let me come Home
Home is Wherever Im with you
Home, let me come home
Home is wherever Im with you
I follow you into the park,
thru the jungle thru the dark
Girl i never loved one like you

Moats and boats and Waterfalls,
Alleyways and payphone calls
I been everywhere with you

Laugh until we think we'll die,
barefoot on a summer night
never could be sweeter than with you

Jade, you remember that night you fell outa my window?
ya you came jumpin out after me
well, you were bleedin all over the place and I covered your ass with your dress and we went off to the hospital, you remember that?
well there's somethin I never told you bout that night

what didnt you tell me?
well, while you were sitting in the back seat smokin a cigarrette you thought was gona be your last, I was fallin deep, deep in love with you, and I never told you till just now!

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