Tuesday, March 16, 2010

here in your bedroom, i feel safe from the outside.

one of my most favorite sayings is "messy bed, messy head."  when my living, sleeping and working areas are not in order, i can't feel quite settled.  i find this is especially true in my bedroom.  it's hard for me to leave my apartment for the day when clothes are strewn on the floor, my water glass is next to the bed and the sheets are in a big ball.  i fully realize i'm sounding like a bit of an old lady right now, but i appreciate a comfy bed in a clean room when i'm ready to curl up for the night.  here's some photos of amazing/weird/awesome bedrooms. 

i love the bright simplicity of this one. and the blue.

which is in direct contrast to this rainbow room which i love too!

this one feels a little too ornate for my tastes, but i would feel like a little princess in here for the night.

too much green. too psych ward-y. i do like the exposed pipes on the sink though...

it reminds me of the pompidou in paris!

i love chandeliers. i LOVE them. and also fireplaces. so pretty!

i'm a fraidy cat.  i have a night light. but this room with the glass wall is so wonderful! right? until there is a creature or a camouflaged night stalker out there i suppose.

maybe this is a better compromise. less creatures. more birds. way less intruders i bet.

have a great day today. clean your room! i promise you'll sleep better and you will win the lottery.*

*not guaranteed.

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