Thursday, March 4, 2010

now the tickets are diamonds.

on tuesday night, i met my totally awesome friend kate at miracle of science for drinks and girl talks. our conversation went from hair bands to cats to crushes. as i stumbled towards the central square t stop (wishing a falafel would magically materialize in my hands) i looked at the time and realized i’d missed lost. shut up, you – yes i love lost but no, i will not engage you in a “is Jacob evil or good?” discussion while we’re out. i saw the first episode years ago on a flight to london. yes you read that right. i saw the first lost episode featuring a terrible plane crash… on.a.flight.

welp, anyways thank goodness for tivo. i scooped up my man and some pizza and we camped out on the couch for episode 6 of the final season. the next day, my friend dave asked what i thought about the episode. only two things came to mind: 1) that dude frying the egg was a super hot version of a young christopher walken and 2) the old spice “i’m on a horse” commercial was better than the episode of lost. i’ve seen that commercial tons of times but it’s just so good.

the actor and hottie is isaiah mustafa. word is, he came up with this character the evening before the audition and just went with it. not to get too nerdy here, but the agency that produced the commercial {weiden + kennedy} claim there is minimal cgi used. I’m not really fussed with special effects – i just think the delivery is fantastic. i like it when companies don’t take themselves too seriously.
if you haven’t seen it, which is doubtful, have a lookie lou:

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