Thursday, July 21, 2011

Goals. Plain and Simple.

Lately I haven’t liked the person peering back at me in the mirror. I’ve never been a summer dresser; I prefer jackets, scarves, boots and tights to bare skin ANY day.  Hoodie weather we call it, and in those months I can always concoct an outfit that I feel confident in when walking out the door. 
Today in Vermont it is 90 degrees and climbing.  I have bare legs and arms; I’m sweating and wearing flip flops.  I like none of those things.  I’m also ultra-pale because the older I get, the more I realize not having skin cancer is way more awesome than having a cheesy tan.   
I guess the point I’m trying to {slowly} get to is that I feel incredibly uncomfortable in my own skin.  I’ve been whining and moaning to Zach that I need to lose 10 pounds but I’ve done nothing to make that happen, so here I am taking accountability for it.  Goals are far easier to stick to if  you tell someone else, so I’m telling you.  I’m writing it down for the interwebs to read.  Here are my goals for the next 3 months:

1.       Lose 10 pounds {with a reach goal of 15 pounds}.

2.       Put myself on a running schedule – either outside or at the fitness room at work.

3.       Teach myself calligraphy {I have the guidebook, the pen, and plenty of youtube how to’s}.

4.       Learn how to do a rainbow French fishtail plait {supplies have been ordered, this is awesome}.

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