Thursday, July 14, 2011

i'm back!

i have been MIA for SO long!  Here's what I've been doing (to be followed by a photo update):

1. tying up loose ends and having a tearful last day at work.  the flowers and the cards and the kind words from people who became my family meant the world to me.

2. packing up my brother's house... which was my home for the past 4 months... i swear my family might be ready to kill me - i have moved so much this year; but there they were with boxes and helping hands.

3. meeting zach in montpelier to pack his house up.

4. packing for fort wayne and chicago, getting 1 hour of sleep and spending a blissful week with zach's family and friends.  i think it went well; i loved them... i just hope they liked me!

5. moving into our first place together.  it has exceeded my expectations in every way. hanging with your best bud every day.

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