Wednesday, July 27, 2011

social disaster.

I often feel blessed that I was able to grow up and finish high school {and most of college} in a Facebook free world.  I distinctly remember getting internet in our home, getting my first email address, and arguing with my brother over who got to use the dial-up connection to use AOL Instant Messenger.  But that was about as intense as my social media life got until adulthood when I signed up for MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and Blogger. 
Since joining Blogger and writing this blog, I have become a great fan of blogs.  I systematically check anywhere from 10-15 a day and feel inspired by the blogging world.  The only negative I have found, and this is true for Facebook as well, is that blogs can convey a false sense of perfection.  I have often found myself peeking into the lives of other bloggers and feeling envious that their lives are filled with crafting, dinner dates, designer clothing, and the most gorgeous of homes seemingly free of bad days, difficulties at work, or problems at home.  One trend I have noticed (and love) are these very bloggers breaking that façade and sharing when things are less than perfect.  Generally I visit these blogs to be inspired, not so I can hear about poopy diapers and arguments at home, but sometimes it feels good to know we all struggle and we’re all just doing the very best we can.

In that spirit, I’ll end with a song: darwin deez “bad day”

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