Monday, November 7, 2011

weekend wrap-up.

so, i was sort of off-the-grid this weekend.  our internet and cable went out friday so no "thankful" updates... i'm here to catch up on those and fill you in on our low-key weekend.

11.05.11 Today I am thankful for my internet going out... which led me to finish the book i was reading AND start a new book.  which one?  HUNGER GAMES.  It is ridiculously fantastic.  Must read - i'm almost done! Recommend.

11.06.11 Today I am thankful for pepperoni pizza.  I mean, do I need to say more?

11.07.11 Today I am thankful for Comcast showing up this morning and restoring our internet and cable!  Tonight we're catching up on: Grimm, SNL w/ Charlie Day, Walking Dead, and Always Sunny.
(chardee macdennis game of games episode!)

Also this weekend: we saw Drive (super bloody, super good, also ryan gosling), had a yummy Italian dinner date (chicky marsala for me, veal parm for Z), did a crazy amount of laundry and watched football.   

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