Thursday, February 25, 2010

random bits.

sorry i missed you yesterday! i spent the frist 5 hours of my day holed up in a dingy room in the dorchester courthouse.  what? I didn't tell you guys? i shanked a guy in '92 and they finally caught me.  bummer. 

i just want to update you on what's coming... i don't want this blog to ever have rules or uniform but one thing i've decided to impose is - girl crush: friday. i started last friday with lights (how hot is she?) and i've already got someone perfect lined up for tomorrow.  boyz - get excited, girlz - get inspired!

ok one last thing... check out this really quick youtube below... it's of a couple who have been married 62 years.  they headed into the mayo clinic, saw the piano and did work!  love love love.  it's real! don't be afraid! be yourself.  and you'll find the person who will still pat your bumbum when you're 90. 
don't stop smiling for your whole life.

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