Monday, May 30, 2011

bangkok has him now.

it was quite a weekend. quite a perfect one.** here's how it went down:

no work friday! had myself a sleep-in then headed to vermont for the day. got to z's house where cookout plans were already in the works. had a bud light lime and headed outside to absolutely kill in cornhole. 4 dudes and me... and i was the best. i am also modest. then we had burgers, hot dogs and pasta salad and watched the bruins win. ok, i slept and they watched the bruins win.
saturday... headed back to boston for a quick mall stop to buy new MAC make-up, dress shoes for zach and chipotle for lunch. then it was off to newport for a college girlfriend's wedding! it was held at the stunningly beautiful aldrich mansion. guess what was filmed there? MEET JOE BLACK! everything was perfect, from the cocktail hour outside, to the nonstop dancing we did to an entire room of desserts to ending the night smoking cigars outside in the late night mist. it could not have been a more beautiful day and night.

sunday we woke up rested and happy and headed out with the windows down and a day of doing all the things we love. first up: burgers and fries at five guys. deeeeelicious. i decided i want my last meal before i move to be there. hey, i'm simple. then we saw the hangover 2. which was great. since it was 4 oclock and gorgeous out, we picked up the ingredients for margaritas and spent the rest of the afternoon playing horseshoes, loungin by the lake, and visiting with my parents. whew. it was a truly great weekend.

**sidebar - even great weekends have low points. the lowest point this weekend? gathering our things to head out to the backyard while zach was in the other room... trying to figure out the french doors... closed my finger inside it and proceeded to SCREAM: "help! help! honey! help!" as i was in excuciating pain. zach comes running around the corner and has no idea why i'm standing at the door crying, screaming and not moving. thinking he's about to see (in his words) a "dead animal or person," he was slightly relieved to learn i was just stuck in a door. we pulled my fingers out to see a bleeding mangled mess but i am happy to report i am fully recovered and have all 10 fingers intact.

(i also fell in love with peonies this weekend.  they are perfect)

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