Thursday, January 19, 2012

A British perspective on our lives.

In an effort to keep up my new years resolution of watching more educational and intellectual programs on Netflix, I started viewing the PBS/BBC series called "Stephen Fry in America"

For those who don't know, Stephen Fry is a bit of a comedic legend in Britain, and has, like most of Europe, a stereotypical view of the U.S. 

I was very excited for the episode of the South. Having lived in the South for 10+ years, I have grown my own hatred for aspects of this region, and was looking forward to an outsiders view. What happened surprised even me.

All through Appalacia, he encountered nothing but polite, honest, heartfelt, beautiful people.
He went to Miami beach, and remarked on how utterly putrid Florida was, and I couldn't have agreed more. Then, he went to Alabama. 
I was expecting your run of the mill, stereotypical view of Alabama, rednecks and oppressed minorities, but was taken aback when he attended an Aubrun Vs. Alabama football game.
I forgot what an American pastime and tradition college football is. Me personally, I'm more attached to the pageantry of halftime, but he was so overwhelmed with the music, the crowd, and the unity, he was literally brought to tears.  An old, cynical, British comedian was brought to tears.
It made me appreciate being apart of something so American as drum corps and marching band, and in a way, made me realize how bad ass America can really be.

Here is the clip. It's awesome.


My resolution is already paying off.

Also, I highly recommend this whole program. It's several episodes, but the episode about the Northeast and the South are especially entertaining.

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