Tuesday, January 24, 2012

in time, you'll find needing things only kills you slowly.

yesterday i came across the nail ring above.  i took one look and thought...I.MUST.HAVE.THAT.  I worked myself into a fine frenzy over it.  how can i afford that?  i can not eat for 2 weeks? i can sell some stuff?  how how how?  having it will definitely make me happier. 

wait, right?
not right, not even close to right.  i've been doing a lot of thinking over the past few weeks.  thoughts on money, the future (and not the mj fox fun ruminations either), priorities and my tendancy for short-sighted wants. the more blogs i check out, the more etsy searches i do, the more i feel like i'll never have enough 'stuff' to be in the cool girls club.  i watch people post photos of their expensive new stuff on facebook and my heart wretches a little (tara, if you get that, people will see your good taste, your blog will be successful and you'll be popular and wealthy). 
but i guess what i've realized over many, many years on this earth is that unending wants will never equal happiness and contentment.  jealousy over what other people get/afford/buy will only ever tear your insides to shreds.  it's a slow process but spending less, acquiring less and simplifying my life are the goals.
do you know owen?  Owen is the solo project of singer mike kinsella.  i love owen - the songs are raw and they hurt.  i love one song in particular, called  'everyone feels like you.' listen if you please.

(image via cupcakes and cashmere)

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