Monday, January 9, 2012

On Atheism.

Warning: This is a VERY opinionated post, and if you don't want to hear a rant, please go somewhere else on the internet besides my personal blog : )

Today, at Atlanta Bread Company.....

Cahsier: Hi. Can I get your name for your order?

Me: Yep! It's Christian.

Cashier: Do you know What your name means?

Me: Uhhh... yeah.

Cahsier: It means follower of Christ.

Me: Umm, Can I just get the Chicken salad sandwhich and a small drink?

Cashier: Ok. Are you a follower of Christ?

Me: Ummmm....Nope! ( with a big smile on my face)

Cashier: .... awkward stare.....

Me: But to each his own, right?

Cashier: I guess... but your name means you should be.

Me: ...walks away...

Now this is not an abnormal conversation to have, especially here in Atlanta. I'm pretty used to it by now. But something about today made me really want to lay it into him, and say something like..

" You do know that asking about religion or anything like that is VERY unprofessional, not to mention rude? It is extremely rude. Especially assuming that my name means I SHOULD be something. Your name is manuel, but I don't ASSUME you should be cleaning toilets instead of being a cashier, right? No. because it's rude. I'm an Atheist, and I hope you have a fantastic day, Manuel."

But did I say this? No.

Which brings me to my forgotten resolution for 2012:

I am going to start standing up for myself. Not be an asshole,  Just not let people be rude to me or take advantage of my kindness anymore. As confident as I seem, I am still extremely shy in public situations, an avoid conflict like it was a herpes covered toilet seat. I'm tired of trying to please everyone, and I am going to start looking out for MY well being from now on.

Also, I don't know much about Tim Tebow, but what I do know is that he thinks some omnipotent god is winning football games for him, and it's pissing me off. If there is a god, why the FUCK do you think he would help you win FOOTBALL GAMES, instead of maybe blessing some African kids with a cure for aids, famine, and drought? And if there is a god, and that is how he sets his priorities, I would gladly spend the afterlife in hell. At least the devil of totally open with his asshole-ness. But I'm pretty sure I'm just going to fall asleep forever, and become food for plants underground.... and I'm okay with that. Reality, as we know of it currently, is enough for me.

I would say a good 80% of my friends and acquaintances are religious in some way, and it doesn't bother me at all. I love all my friends and family, regardless of religious beliefs, but I can no longer allow people to be rude to me and get away with it.

For more information on the wonders of the natural order of our Earth and Universe, and the science behind it, I recommend reading:

And any science book at your local bookstore or library!

Never stop learning!

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