Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Gay Rights Movement.

This video made me cry.

Normally, I can't talk about politics or highly polarized issues, such as gay rights with people. I get too heated and angry. I flush with redness, and a surge of adrenaline makes me want to fight, but instead I say nothing, and silently leave until I can be alone and cry about peoples apathetic attitude towards (my) human rights.
 It's hard to not be affected by people's opinions when they are allowed to vote on your rights. 

Civil unions, you say? Separate but equal is not equal.

This needs to be said:

"In 50 years, when I am old and weak, I will witness how the newer generation looks back at these times in disbelief, and in horror. Yet I feel privileged that through my lifetime I will witness how love will defeat the hate. How our ignorant misunderstandings will be replaced with knowledge and understanding. How empathy triumphs, and prejudice fails. We are part of a turning point of epic proportions. A part of history that will be taught for the rest of human kinds history. And I was there to witness it."

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